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In this intelligent, groundbreaking new work, Dr. Lancaster invites you on a journey to a new paradigm where your chakras help guide you to freedom from limiting relationship injuries and patterns. Discover the support and wisdom of your nondual ground-of-being, in embrace with your evolving-self. Heal, rather than “bypass” or transcend the injuries and messages found in your body, that are there to lead you back to self-love, and your deep personal truth. Find the nondual qualities in each of your chakras that support you to live authentically and joyfully, in wholeness. 


  In the quantum model the dual and nondual dimensions of existence are found within the nature of energy, in an entangled endless feedback cycle. Dr Zeb emphasizes how this endless feedback cycle is represented in the three-phases of energy (charge, discharge, balance) as seen in our nervous system. The more energy flows freely and authentically through each of these phases, the more balance, integration, and unity become prominent. The three-phases have seven sub-stages that are holographic in nature, and manifest in the relationship between our seven primary chakras and the seven primary stages of child development that show up in our adult life.


     How we move through the challenges in these stages represent, what Joseph Campbell described as the “Hero’s Journey.” In this journey from injury, back to authenticity and wholeness, we are nurtured in whole-being-embrace. 


Nondual Chakra Awakening

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     This book is not only deeply philosophical and psychological; it is also explicitly practical as a means of healing relationship injuries and awakening authenticity. Specific contemplative practices are suggested that can be tailored to address the particular stage in which you experienced injury. Find the nondual qualities in each of your chakras that support you to live authentically and joyfully, in wholeness. 

From Trauma to Wholeness

A headshot of Zeb Lancaster for his new book bio

From Trauma to Wholeness seamlessly brings together the practicality of psychology’s understanding of relationships with the beauty and simplicity of nondual spirituality. 

Tired of meditating for years

only to find old relationship injuries are still there? This book is for meditators who are no longer comfortable transcending personal trauma, objectifying emotions, and feel that bypassing the human condition is not the solution. Learn to overcome relationship trauma by using body-oriented meditation practices to refine the senses and access the most subtle, nondual dimension of being, as a body experience of wholeness. Unlike transcendent spiritual traditions, this embodied nondual consciousness is tangible, does not only lie beyond worldly existence as a celestial awareness, and is the essence of our being, available to all.

Dr. Zeb’s innovative approach to healing trauma brings the experience of wholeness into intimate contact with our deepest wounds, in “divine embrace.” Discover your own divinity to heal, live authentically, and express the joy of including your whole being, dual and nondual, in the healing process. His approach is a timely contribution to the cutting-edge of spirituality and psychology today. 


Dr. Zeb Lancaster, Ph.D., brings over thirty years of counseling individuals and couples, plus his experience as a meditator and yoga teacher, to developing the Whole Being Embrace practice, a radical alternative to current relationship trauma therapy. He employs a distinctive embodied approach to foster healthy relationships with ourselves and others. Dr. Zeb guides online embodied nondual meditations and workshops. He is widely recognized for his ability to nurture the growth of authentic self-expression, heal trauma, and promote spiritual awakening.

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"In this well-written book, Dr. Lancaster draws on an extensive array of traditional and contemporary methods and philosophies to shed light on the relationship between what he calls the “evolving self” and the “unchanging self” of nondual realization."

Judith Blackstone, PhD, author of The Enlightenment Process and The Fullness of the Ground

Co-Author of BodyMind Boundaries for Beginners

A set of embodied meditative practices for relationship with self & others. An experiential journey to uncover the size and shape of your life-energy as a tangible, full body experience. 


Endorsed by Jean Houston PhD 

(Passion for the Possible). 

Currently not for sale


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